Wendy Jane's Facebook Poems Cross Colorlines Daily

By now, most of you know about my Facebook poems, the daily poems I create from my friends' status updates.  Well, it's crossed my mind, more than once, that these poems are a melding of many voices:  black, white, Latino, Cape Verdean, Asian, and more.  How often do we get to hear voices come together in one piece of work, other than in song?Here are three recent poems that bring a diversity of voices togetherSunday, May 27, 2012

this is howtoday wentthe brothersthe gangstersthey fought likewarrior poetsand won theirfreedomrequest timeoutwe breathe airall quieton the Rez today

Thanks to contributors: Joe, Kevin, Chachi, Jay, James, Susan Friday, May 25, 2012

with four letter wordswishing is not enoughI have never beenmore happy tomeet youmajestic AND sexysabrosaget yoursdo notseek itfrom without

Thanks to:  Paula, Jay, Samantha, Frog & Toad, Eric, Beth Thursday, May 24, 2012

think in a straight linebut don't talkin circlesif you wait toolong, you miss themlove should not hurtit should feel goodlife is beautyadmire itwho you jivin' withthat cosmic debrisbut betweenyou and mevery, very tempting

Thanks to:  Shelby, Rodney, Tracy, Rochelle, Geoffrey, Ken, John As always, thanks to all of you, whose lines I use to construct these daily poems.  You are a continual inspiration, and I thank you for your permission to create something new from all of your thoughts and feelings. 


Wendy Jane Recommends "Yes, We're Together" blog by Atinuke Diver


Soul Shake Haiku